J Diener | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | 05/14/2024
They do not pay their contractors
Since on-boarding with GHS (October 2023), they were fine with their delierables until they weren't. After only two installs, they became late on payments, which eventually led to > 45-days late. With every discussion regarding payment status, they continued with excuse after excuse. Now, they are > 60-days late and have become completely unresponsive. If you are a contractor, I suggest avoiding this company. They jump contractor to contractor - onboarding one, getting work out of them, not paying them, then jumping to a another one. Avoid them if you don't want to lose money and be frauded.
S. Garrett | Rio Rico, Arizona | 04/14/2024
Don’t use this Company!!
I live in Arizona and purchased a solar system for my home from Green Home Systems. It worked ok but didn’t produce like I was promised. It stopped working in September of 2023 and to this date (April 2024) they have NOT fixed it!! They finally sent a tech in December of 2023 who diagnosed the problem to be a bad Solaredge converter. GHS told me “its just a fuse inside the inverter.” What a joke these people are! Nobody has been sent to change this “fuse” and after several phone calls to GHS they said to me, “Do you know anyone who can change the “fuse?” How unprofessional is that!! It is GHS warranty and they told me if I worked on it it would void their warranty! But they do absolutely NOTHING to repair my system! So as of now I am out of pocket paying for a system that doesn’t work AND a monthly electric bill. So warning to all DONT USE GREEN HOME SYSTEMS!!!
Joe Phillips | Orinda, California | 04/10/2024
Can I give zero stars?
We're still not done. After almost 2 years of bungling, GHS has repeatedly dropped the ball. Cue a revolving door of PMs, each starting from scratch on our project to sloppy installation, multiple (fired or otherwise) subcontractors, each doing something different. GHS has zero idea how to navigate PGE and pass regulation or inspection. And the best part, when I reached out to their managing director, he told me I should be "thanking him". I cannot warn any prospective buyer enough. Stay away at all costs.
Shayla and Justin Bos | Spring Creek, Nevada | 04/04/2024
Terrible business ethics!
In a CONTRACT, they have signed and my husband has signed, it states they owe us $868. Part of that amount is a rebate for going solar (in writing in a contract signed by both parties), and the other part of that amount is a payment owed to us for their clerical error in entering our address (payment is also in a signed contract), resulting in excessive power bills from the utilities company due to switching to solar. They have owed us this money for SIX MONTHS going on SEVEN with constant communication in attempts to collect. And constantly being told the check will be mailed the next day checks are sent out or that it was already mailed (has never showed up). Robbie Herbert is an absolute joke, sarcastic, passive aggressive, condescending but worst of all, a LIAR. I sent a demand letter for payment, 7 business days ago demanding payment in 2 weeks. Which has been acknowledged, forwarded to the company lawyer, and then ignored. I have filed a complaint with the BCA, will now be looking at filing a bad business complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, state of California, state of Nevada (state the work was completed in), and any other avenue I can. We are now looking at pursuing this in the court of law in 7 more business days. DO NOT GO THROUGH THIS COMPANY!!! They have terrible business ethics.
Scammy Scammerson | Missoula, Montana | 03/22/2024
GHS is a scam. They do not pay their contractors and they lie to their customers. Once they get paid the loan they are done with everyone and the scam is on. They are impossible to reach, and then give you the runaround if they respond at all. If you're a homeowner your house will have a lien on it and you'll be saddled with a huge loan. If you are a contractor any job you do for them will be a total loss.
wish I had known | Roseville, Illinois | 03/15/2024
This is what you should know before going solar
Ask specific questions and get specific answers. Then will know if you must have batteries in order to have power when grid is down, and other such things. Do not believe ratings or accreditation on homepage for example like BBB (Better Business Bureau) accredited. Instead go and look. When looking at BBB uncheck your location to get full search. Then put in name of company. For me it was “Green Home Systems Inc” (but whoever you are checking), if prompted to look for unaccredited also, check it. Once you find the business click on go to their home page to be sure it is the same company your checking on. For example, below is what I saw when I did at on BBB site. https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/sherman-oaks/profile/solar-energy-contractors/green-home-systems-inc-1216-1272476 Anyone you ever do business with, anyone! you need to do the same thing, don’t just go by high star rating. With GHS wound up they were not accredited and had a BBB F rating (they have since removed BBB accredited from their site). Check all accreditations and if they refer to an accreditation that is not accurate, or no longer part of homepage in their review, don’t trust it might even get hold of them on it. Before signing a contract (especially if 20 or pages or more) don't just have them read through it with you, or even read it yourself. Print it off and let a lawyer read it before signing, will be worth the money (wish I had), because what you “think” parts of it mean and what it might really mean may not be the same. Get specific start and completion date so it doesn't drag out for months. Also, make sure it is in writing that any property damage will be fixed. If told approximately of how much you will save on power bill, get that in writing too, if not don’t believe them. If things like a underground gas line to house is cut, don’t trust subcontractor to fix. Inform contractor that you want your power company to come out and repair it, at their cost(wish I had). That way no future regrets and worries about if it will last, or hassle with contractor over it. Make sure you do not leave tools or anything laying around where subcontractor works, and check before they leave to be sure they don’t “accidentally” take your stuff. Will save hassle with contractor, to get back or reimbursed. Check to be sure all power lines in breaker box are installed properly and tightened properly so will not come loose after subcontractor leaves. Remember the person doing installation is the subcontractor, the person selling the product is the contractor and (at least where I come) is responsible for correcting any problems that involve the subcontractor. Be sure that is clearly stated in contract (again get a lawyer) With solar don’t be afraid to contact who owns or monitors solar panels, for me was Enfin (a great company, who will work with you), where you got loan from, and any government office that will be processing for state and federal tax rebates, payouts or whatever. Also look up solar help sites like Solar Review, Solar Neighbors United https://www.solarunitedneighbors.org/ . Also in my state Illinois Solar Education Project https://illinoissolar.org/ , and anyone else you can That is the one smart thing I did, just should of done before not after. With any business or job you are contracting out follow these steps don’t be like me and wish you had
Michael S. | Schleswig, Iowa | 03/14/2024
Deceptive and won't finish install 1+ years
The sales team miss represented the monthly financed amount based on tax returns being applied that the amount couldn't possibly be acquired within the 18-month window unless you were making at least 6 figures. They hired a contractor that couldn't legally install in Iowa and when that installer was about to be caught and lose their license, they wouldn't finish install. This was after raising the purchase price $20k by saying they couldn't find anyone to do the install for the price agreed on. Then it's taken over a year and the install still isn't done because the first team did it incorrectly and the new team hasn't done the repair for over 6 months (winter time frame for most of that). The company has not called me back in over 6 months of trying to call them and 3 different project managers as they all keep quitting including my sales person. I opened a BBB claim and the company kept lying until BBB closed the claim. I also had to start paying on the loan before they finished since it took so long and they said they would refund me each month and after 2 months they stopped and luckily i got the bank to pause the loan. This company is a nightmare right now and I would suggest having a lawyer on hand just in case.
Jane Doe | Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania | 03/08/2024
Money hungry and Corrupt
I was fooled by the reviews too. I was fooled by the sales person who ultimately lied left and right just to make a sale. I was fooled by the project manager who would just give me lip service and then not contact me for months. Green Home Systems seemed fine until I realize just how corrupt the company is and how each person you deal with does not actually care about you. They will just scam you out of your money like they did to me. Each person I got in contact with just gave me lip service to get me to trust them and then over charged me for panels that under produce (its taking more power to have them on then it is giving me any actual solar power), lied about how many trees i needed to cut down (they knew I had to cut down at least 20 trees, half of which on my neighbors property, and NEVER TOLD ME!), and after taking forever to install (with another company not even themselves!) they just ignored me when I had wiring issues. The project manager has not contacted me for MONTHS. Each person claiming to help me ends up ghosting me altogether. It is clear they do not care about their customers and continue to just put panels on anything that they can get away with in order to make money. At some point they used to be good but now that they are hurting for money they DO NOT CARe abouT ANYTHING BUT MAKING MONEY! STAY AWAY!! If you don't believe look at the most recent reviews from them and check out their F rating on the Better Business Bureau.
KEVIN | Fritch, Texas | 02/20/2024
No customer service
My system has been down since August of 2023 and its February of 2024 and my system is still down. When I first contacted them about my problem they went online and found the inverter was bad. So a few weeks later the inverter shows up but nobody to install it. also I have roof damage and need the panels taken off to repair my roof but customer support is useless.
ed is disappointed | Mason City, Illinois | 02/08/2024
the worst company I have ever done business with
I had to do the ground work to get my unit installed took forever to get connected was overcharged lied to about service could not get a hold of associates phone calls and e-mails were ignored totally a p.o.s. company stay away thank you very much